Alberta Demerit Points System

In Alberta, we have a demerit point system in which demerits are assigned to the drivers abstract with every convicted ticket.  Non GDL drivers receive 15 demerits before facing a suspension,  GDL drivers receive 8.  If too many demerits are accumulated, your licence will be suspended, and insurance premiums will increase.

The information on how many demerits each conviction carries is not found on the face of the ticket.  Below is a list of the most common traffic infractions and the demerits they carry.

7 Demerit points are assigned for:
Failing to remain at the scene of an accident

6 Demerit points are assigned for:
Speeding more than 50 km/h over the speed limit
Careless driving
Driving a vehicle on a highway on a bet or wager
Failing to stop for a school bus

5 Demerit points are assigned for:
Not stopping at an uncontrolled railway crossing if the vehicle is a school bus, is carrying explosive substances as cargo, or is used for carrying flammable liquids or gas (whether loaded or not)
Failing to stop for a peace officer

4 Demerit points are assigned for:
Speeding at an unreasonable rate (essentially excessive speed based on conditions like weather, traffic, etc.)
Speeding more than 30 km/h but less than 50 km/h over the speed limit
Following too close
Passing a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk

3 Demerit points are assigned for:
Failing to identify owner of unattended vehicle or property damaged in accident
Driver failing to make an accident report
Speeding more than 15 km/h but less than 30km/h over the speed limit.
Improper passing in school zone
Meeting and passing oncoming vehicle (at the same time, referring to narrow roads)
Passing on a hill or curve
Passing when meeting oncoming vehicle (referring to passing the vehicle ahead of you when there is oncoming traffic)
Overtaking and passing (if not done safely)
Passing restrictions (referring to passing by driving off the roadway, on a parking lane, or otherwise passing when unsafe)
Driving left of center
Driving the wrong way on a one-way high way
Impeding passing vehicle on a single- or multi-lane highway
Failing to yield right of way to a vehicle at an intersection, yield sign, merge sign, green light, flashing yellow light, or in a traffic circle
Failing to yield right of way to a pedestrian at an alley entrance, at a green light, at a flashing yellow light (either intersection or not, or in a school/playground zone), or in a crosswalk
Failing to stop before entering a highway, at a ‘stop’ sign, for a vehicle sounding a siren, following an emergency vehicle too closely, at a railway crossing, driving around a barrier at a railway crossing, at a yellow light (either in or not in an intersection), or for a solid or flashing red light (either in or not in an intersection)
Proceeding when unsafe when entering highway at a ‘stop’ sign, at a ‘stop’ sign at a railway crossing, when passing a school bus, at a red light at an intersection, or at a flashing red light (either in or not in an intersection)
Distracted driving – holding, using, or viewing a cellphone, electronic device, etc.
Distracted driving – display screen visible to driver
Distracted driving – adjusting a GPS while driving
Distracted driving – reading printed material; writing, printing, or sketching; personal grooming or hygiene

2 Demerit points are assigned for:
Speeding by up to 15 km/h over the speed limit
Traffic lane violations including slow moving vehicles, driving near center line, crossing solid lines while driving, unsafe lane change, failing to drive in middle of marked lane, straddling two lanes, improper use of center lane on a 3-lane highway, enter or driving in a lane marked with an illuminated red ‘X’ (like in a lane reversal)
Failing to obey instruction of traffic control device
Slow driving impeding traffic
Driving at less than minimum speed
Failing to obey a peace officer to increase speed, remove the vehicle from the roadway, or to drive vehicle in different traffic lane
Failing to signal when changing lanes, turning left or right, or when stopping
Improper turning when making a left or right turn, U-turning, U-turning by a school bus, or when turn is controlled by traffic control device
Improper backing

2 Demerits assigned exclusively to Alberta GDL licences:
Driving within curfew hours
Having more passengers than seatbelts
Supervisor not fully qualified


Above is the comprehensive list of demerits that you can receive in Alberta. The convictions are from the Alberta Demerit Point Program and Service of Documents Regulation.  If you are seeking clarity on the charge listed on your violation, feel free to send us an email at [email protected]